SOM Toolbox Help Desk

[ Grouped by function | Alphabetical order ]

NOTE: Some of the files have no helpdisk help file. For them, the only available documentation is in the function file itself. Try command 'help <function_name>' in Matlab prompt.

Grouped by function


som_demo1: SOM Toolbox demo 1: basic properties
som_demo2: SOM Toolbox demo 2: basic usage
som_demo3: SOM Toolbox demo 3: visualization
som_demo4: SOM Toolbox demo 4: data analysis

Creation of structs

som_set: create & set (& check) values to structs
som_info: print out information on a given struct
som_data_struct: create & initialize a data struct
som_map_struct: create & initialize a map struct
som_topol_struct: create & initialize a topology struct
som_train_struct: create & initialize a train struct

Struct conversion and file I/O

som_vs1to2: converts a version 1.0 struct to version 2.0 struct
som_vs2to1: converts a version 2.0 struct to version 1.0 struct
som_read_data: reads a (SOM_PAK format) ASCII data file
som_write_data: writes a SOM_PAK format codebook file
som_write_cod: writes a SOM_PAK format data file
som_read_cod: reads a SOM_PAK format codebook file

Data preprocessing

som_normalize: normalize data set
som_denormalize: denormalize data set
som_norm_variable: (de)normalize one variable
preprocess: preprocessing GUI

Initialization and training functions

som_make: create, initialize and train a SOM
som_randinit: random initialization algorithm
som_lininit: linear initialization algorithm
som_seqtrain: sequential training algorithm
som_batchtrain: batch training algorithm
som_gui: SOM initialization and training GUI
som_prototrain: a simple version of sequential training: easy to modify

Clustering algorithms

som_kmeans: k-means algorithm
kmeans_clusters: try and evaluate several k-means clusterings
neural_gas: neural gas vector quantization algorithm

Supervised/classification algorithms

som_supervised: supervised SOM algorithm
lvq1: LVQ1 algorithm
lvq3: LVQ3 algorithm
knn: k-NN classification algorithm

SOM error measures

som_quality: quantization and topographic error of SOM
som_distortion: SOM distortion measure

Auxiliary functions

som_bmus: calculates BMUs for given data vectors
som_divide: extract subsets of data based on map
som_label: give labels to map units
som_autolabel: automatically labels the SOM based on given data
som_unit_coords: calculates coordinates in output space for map units
som_unit_dists: distances in output space between map units
som_unit_neighs: units in 1-neighborhood for each map unit
som_neighborhood: calculates neighborhood matrix for the given map
som_select: GUI for manual selection of map units
som_estimate_gmm: create Gaussian mixture model on top of SOM
som_probability_gmm: evaluate Gaussian mixture model
som_ind2sub: from linear index to subscript index
som_sub2ind: from subscript index to linear index
nanstats: mean, std and median which ignore NaNs

Using SOM_PAK from Matlab

som_sompaktrain: uses SOM_PAK to train a map
sompak_gui: GUI for using SOM_PAK from Matlab
sompak_init: call SOM_PAK's initialization programs from Matlab
sompak_init_gui: GUI for using SOM_PAK's initialization from Matlab
sompak_rb_control: an auxiliary function for sompak_*_gui functions.
sompak_sammon: call SOM_PAK's Sammon program from Matlab
sompak_sammon_gui: GUI for using SOM_PAK's Sammon program from Matlab
sompak_train: call SOM_PAK's training program from Matlab
sompak_train_gui: GUI for using SOM_PAK's training program from Matlab


som_show: basic visualization
som_show_add: add labels, hits and trajectories
som_show_clear: remove extra markers
som_recolorbar: refresh/reconfigure colorbars
som_grid: visualization of SOM network
som_cplane: component planes and U-matrices
som_barplane: bar chart visualization of map
som_pieplane: pie chart visualization of map
som_plotplane: plot chart visualization of map
som_trajectory: launches a GUI for presenting comet-trajectories

Auxiliary functions for visualization

som_hits: calculates the response of data on the map
som_umat: calculates the U-matrix
cca: curvilinear component analysis projection algorithm
pcaproj: principal component projection algorithm
sammon: Sammon's mapping projection algorithm
som_connection: connection matrix for map
som_vis_coords: map unit coordinates used in visualizations
som_colorcode: create color coding for map/2D data
som_bmucolor: colors of the BMUs from a given map color code
som_normcolor: simulate indexed colormap
som_clustercolor: color coding which depends on clustering structure
som_kmeanscolor: color coding according to k-means clustering

Low level routines used by visualization functions

vis_patch: defines hexagonal and rectangular patches
vis_som_show_data: returns UserData and subplot handles stored by som_show.m
vis_valuetype: used for type checks
vis_footnote: adds a movable text to the current figure
vis_trajgui: the actual GUI started by som_trajectory.m
vis_PlaneAxisProperties: set axis properties in visualization functions
vis_footnoteButtonDownFcn: callback function for vis_footnote.m
vis_planeGetArgs: converts topol struct to lattice, msize argument pair


somtoolbox: this file IRIS data set (used in demos)
License.txt: GNU General Public License
Copyright.txt: Copyright notice
Contents: Overview of SOM Toolbox functions

Alphabetical order

Contents Overview of SOM Toolbox functions
Copyright.txt Copyright notice
License.txt GNU General Public License
cca curvilinear component analysis projection algorithm IRIS data set (used in demos)
kmeans k-means algorithm
kmeans_clusters try and evaluate several k-means clusterings
knn k-NN classification algorithm
lvq1 LVQ1 algorithm
lvq3 LVQ3 algorithm
nanstats mean, std and median which ignore NaNs
neural_gas neural gas vector quantization algorithm
pcaproj principal component projection algorithm
preprocess preprocessing GUI
sammon Sammon's mapping projection algorithm
som_autolabel automatically labels the SOM based on given data
som_barplane bar chart visualization of map
som_batchtrain batch training algorithm
som_bmucolor colors of the BMUs from a given map color code
som_bmus calculates BMUs for given data vectors
som_clustercolor color coding which depends on clustering structure
som_colorcode create color coding for map/2D data
som_connection connection matrix for map
som_cplane component planes and U-matrices
som_data_struct create & initialize a data struct
som_demo1 SOM Toolbox demo 1: basic properties
som_demo2 SOM Toolbox demo 2: basic usage
som_demo3 SOM Toolbox demo 3: visualization
som_demo4 SOM Toolbox demo 4: data analysis
som_denormalize denormalize data set
som_distortion SOM distortion measure
som_divide extract subsets of data based on map
som_estimate_gmm create Gaussian mixture model on top of SOM
som_grid visualization of SOM network
som_gui SOM initialization and training GUI
som_hits calculates the response of data on the map
som_ind2sub from linear index to subscript index
som_info print out information on a given struct
som_kmeanscolor color coding according to k-means clustering
som_label give labels to map units
som_lininit linear initialization algorithm
som_make create, initialize and train a SOM
som_map_struct create & initialize a map struct
som_neighborhood calculates neighborhood matrix for the given map
som_norm_variable (de)normalize one variable
som_normalize normalize data set
som_normcolor simulate indexed colormap
som_pieplane pie chart visualization of map
som_plotplane plot chart visualization of map
som_probability_gmm evaluate Gaussian mixture model
som_prototrain a simple version of sequential training: easy to modify
som_quality quantization and topographic error of SOM
som_randinit random initialization algorithm
som_read_cod reads a SOM_PAK format codebook file
som_read_data reads a (SOM_PAK format) ASCII data file
som_recolorbar refresh/reconfigure colorbars
som_select GUI for manual selection of map units
som_seqtrain sequential training algorithm
som_set create & set (& check) values to structs
som_show basic visualization
som_show_add add labels, hits and trajectories
som_show_clear remove extra markers
som_sompaktrain uses SOM_PAK to train a map
som_sub2ind from subscript index to linear index
som_supervised supervised SOM algorithm
som_topol_struct create & initialize a topology struct
som_train_struct create & initialize a train struct
som_trajectory launches a GUI for presenting comet-trajectories
som_umat calculates the U-matrix
som_unit_coords calculates coordinates in output space for map units
som_unit_dists distances in output space between map units
som_unit_neighs units in 1-neighborhood for each map unit
som_vis_coords map unit coordinates used in visualizations
som_vs1to2 converts a version 1.0 struct to version 2.0 struct
som_vs2to1 converts a version 2.0 struct to version 1.0 struct
som_write_cod writes a SOM_PAK format data file
som_write_data writes a SOM_PAK format codebook file
sompak_gui GUI for using SOM_PAK from Matlab
sompak_init call SOM_PAK's initialization programs from Matlab
sompak_init_gui GUI for using SOM_PAK's initialization from Matlab
sompak_rb_control an auxiliary function for sompak_*_gui functions.
sompak_sammon call SOM_PAK's Sammon program from Matlab
sompak_sammon_gui GUI for using SOM_PAK's Sammon program from Matlab
sompak_train call SOM_PAK's training program from Matlab
sompak_train_gui GUI for using SOM_PAK's training program from Matlab
somtoolbox this file
vis_PlaneAxisProperties set axis properties in visualization functions
vis_footnote adds a movable text to the current figure
vis_footnoteButtonDownFcn callback function for vis_footnote.m
vis_patch defines hexagonal and rectangular patches
vis_planeGetArgs converts topol struct to lattice, msize argument pair
vis_som_show_data returns UserData and subplot handles stored by som_show.m
vis_trajgui the actual GUI started by som_trajectory.m
vis_valuetype used for type checks

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