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In each training step, one sample vector tex2html_wrap_inline3156 from the input data set is chosen randomly and a similarity measure is calculated between it and all the weight vectors of the map. The Best-Matching Unit (BMU), denoted as c, is the unit whose weight vector has the greatest similarity with the input sample tex2html_wrap_inline3156 . The similarity is usually defined by means of a distance measure, typically Euclidian distance. Formally the BMU is defined as the neuron for which


where tex2html_wrap_inline3204 is the distance measure.

After finding the BMU, the weight vectors of the SOM are updated. The weight vectors of the BMU and its topological neighbors are moved closer to the input vector in the input space. This adaptation procedure stretches the BMU and its topological neighbors towards the sample vector. This is illustrated in figure 2.2, where the input vector given to the network is marked by an x.

Figure 2.2: Updating the best matching unit (BMU) and its neighbors towards the input sample marked with x. The solid and dashed lines correspond to situation before and after updating, respectively.

The SOM update rule for the weight vector of the unit i is:


where t denotes time. The tex2html_wrap_inline3210 is the input vector randomly drawn from the input data set at time t and tex2html_wrap_inline3214 the neighborhood kernel around the winner unit c at time t. The neighborhood kernel is a non-increasing function of time and of the distance of unit i from the winner unit c. It defines the region of influence that the input sample has on the SOM. The kernel is formed of two parts: the neighborhood function h(d,t) and the learning rate function tex2html_wrap_inline3226 :


where tex2html_wrap_inline3168 is the location of unit i on the map grid.

The simplest neighborhood function is the bubble: it is constant over the whole neighborhood of the winner unit and zero elsewhere (see figure 2.3a). Another is the Gaussian neighborhood function tex2html_wrap_inline3232 (see figure 2.3b). It gives slightly better results but is computationally somewhat heavier. Usually the neighborhood radius is bigger at first and is decreased linearly to one during the training.

Figure 2.3: The two basic neighborhood functions.

The learning rate tex2html_wrap_inline3226 is a decreasing function of time. Two commonly used forms are a linear function and a function inversely proportional to time: tex2html_wrap_inline3236 , where A and B are some suitably selected constants. Use of the latter function type ensures that all input samples have approximately equal influence on the training result [31].

The training is usually performed in two phases. In the first phase, relatively large initial alpha value and neighborhood radius are used. In the second phase both alpha value and neighborhood radius are small right from the beginning. This procedure corresponds to first tuning the SOM approximately to the same space as the input data and then fine-tuning the map. If the linear initialization procedure is used the first training phase can be skipped. There are several rules-of-thumb, found through experiments, for choosing suitable values [21].

There are many variants to the basic SOM. One variantion theme is to use neuron-specific learning rates and neighborhood sizes. Another is to use adaptive or even growing map structures. The goal of these variations is to enable the SOM to follow better the topology of the underlying data set or to achieve better quantization results. An usual defect of these methods is that the visualization properties suffer or that the algorithm becomes computationally heavier.

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Juha Vesanto
Tue May 27 12:40:37 EET DST 1997