This is the homepage of SOM Toolbox, a function package for Matlab
5 implementing the Self-Organizing Map (SOM) algorithm and more. You can
- train SOM with different network topologies and learning paramteres,
- compute different error, quality and measures for the SOM,
- visualize SOM using u-matrices, component planes, cluster color coding and color linking between
the SOM and other visualization methods, and
- do correlation and cluster analysis with SOM.
SOM Toolbox also features other data analysis methods related to VQ, clustering, dimension reduction,
and proximity preserving projections, e.g.,
- data preprocessing tools,
- K-means, K-nearest neighbor classifier and LVQ (learning vector quantizer),
- agglomerative hierarchical clustering and dendrograms,
- principal component analysis (PCA),
- Sammon's projection, and
- Curvilinear Component Analysis (CCA).
A short introduction to SOM by
Teuvo Kohonen.
SOM Toolbox 2.0
Latest news:
- Jan, 2015
- SOM Toolbox v2.1 is available in github and open for contributions. See this page for details.
- Mar 23th, 2005
- You will probably run into problems with Matlab 7...>>>
- Mar 17th, 2005
- Bug corrections>>> (e.g., som_fuzzycolor), a brush up of the WWW pages.
- August 7th, 2003
- Some modifications have been done to be compatible with Matlab 6.5.
Kindly observe that the members of the SOM Toolbox team have left
CIS or are involved with other duties. Therefore, we cannot
currently guarantee any support in using SOM Toolbox.
Page maintained by,
last updated Tuesday, 03-Feb-2015 02:46:35 EET