The Summer Student Call 2008 is closed. We have sent notices to all applicants. Thank you for applying!
The Department of Information and Computer Science (formerly Laboratory of Computer and Information Science) at the Helsinki University of Technology (TKK) is offering:
We are looking for several students to be placed in various research projects on machine learning, algorithmic data analysis and bioinformatics during summer 2008. Each summer student will be nominated a post-graduate student or a doctor as a personal supervisor who will advise in research tasks.
If you are a bachelor's or master's degree student at TKK (or other Finnish university) and you feel that you have been successful in your studies of computer and information science or mathematics - and you are interested in scientific research work - you are an eligible applicant for a summer student position in Computer and Information Science. We do not require previous research experience.
The work done as a summer student is usually possible to include into your studies as a special assignment. After the summer it is often possible for the summer student to continue the work within the research group as a full or part time research assistant. This work often results to a master's thesis.
The application deadline is 31 January 2008.
The written
should be submitted to secretary Tarja Pihamaa, address
Department of Information and Computer Science, Tarja Pihamaa, P.O.Box 5400,
02015 TKK, or by email
room B326 (TKK Computer Science Building).
The applications should include
The submitted applications are not returned.
Kai Puolamäki (
will answer the questions regarding the summer student call.
If you have questions of a particular research group
then please contact the group directly.
The Department of Information and Computer Science is a leading research center in the fields of machine learning, algorithmic data analysis and bioinformatics. The department hosts the Adaptive Informatics Research Centre, and partially Algodan, both of which are Centres of Excellence in research nominated by the Academy of Finland. The Department has powerful computing infrastructure that is used to simulate and develop algorithmic and computational methods.
More information from the home pages of the research groups at
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