Laboratory of Computer and Information Science / Neural Networks Research Centre CIS Lab Helsinki University of Technology

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These pages are not any more updated. Please, see web pages of Department of Information and Computer Science (ICS):

Näitä sivuja ei päivitetä enää. Ole hyvä ja katso tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitoksen WWW-sivuja:

These pages are not any more updated. Please, see web pages of Department of Information and Computer Science (ICS):

T-61.5040 Learning Models and Methods (5 cr)


Kurssi luennoitiin viimeisen kerran keväällä 2007. Viimeinen tentti 1.3.2008. Korvaava kurssi on T-61.5140 Machine Learning: Advanced Probabilistic Methods .
Kurssin pakollinen harjoitustyö on mahdollista suorittaa vielä keväällä 2008. Tarkempia ohjeita voi kysyä sähköpostitse osoitteesta

The course was lectured last time in Spring 2007. The last exam of the course will take place on Saturday March 1st 2008. The course has been replaced by the course T-61.5140 Machine Learning: Advanced Probabilistic Methods.
The compulsory computer assignment can still be completed during Spring 2008. Contact by email for further instructions.

suomeksi T-61.5040 Signaalien tilastollinen mallinnus (5 op)
[ 2006-2007: III-IV (15.1.-4.5.2007) | Opettava tutkija Petteri Pajunen | Time schedule for lectures 2006-2007 ]
Korvaa kurssin T-61.256 Oppivat mallit ja menetelmät (3 ov), katso lisää korvaavuuksista.
Replaces the course T-61.256 Learning Models and Methods (3 cr), see more about changes.
Notice (28.3.2007)
Computer Assignment Instructions available
Notice (26.3.2007)
Due to Easter holiday, there is no lecture on wed 11.4 and no exercises on fri 6.4. Schedule for the rest of the course:
Lecture 10: wed 28.3
Exercise 10: fri 30.3
Lecture 11: wed 4.4
Exercise 11: fri 13.4
Lecture 12: wed 18.4
Exercise 12: fri 20.4
Lecture 13: wed 25.4
Exercise 13: fri 27.4

Notice (26.2.2007)
Due to midterm exam week there is no lecture on March 7th and no exercises on March 9th.
Notice (11.1.2007)
Lectures begin on Wednesday 17th January, 12-14 in hall T4.
Exercises begin on Friday 19th January, 10-12 in hall T3.
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