SOM Toolbox Online documentation


color=som_clustercolor(m, class, colorcode)

 SOM_CLUSTERCOLOR Sets map unit coloring according to classification

 syntax 1: color = som_clustercolor(m, class, [colorcode]) 
 syntax 2: color = som_clustercolor(class, colormatrix)

  Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional):
   m           (struct) map or topol struct
               (cell array) of form {str,[m1 m2]} where str = 'hexa'
                  or 'rect' and [m1 m2] = msize.
   class       (matrix) Mxn matrix of integers (class labels)
                  where M is the number of map units and each
                  column gives some classification for the units. 
   colorcode   (string) 'rgb1', 'rgb2' (default), 'rgb3', 'rgb4', 'hsv'.
   colormatrix (matrix) Mx3 matrix of RGB triplets giving the
                  initial color code for each unit.
   color       (matrix) size Mx3xn of RGB triplets giving the
                  resulting color code for each unit 
 The function gives a color coding by class and location for the
 map units. The color is determined by calculating the mean of the 
 initial RGB values of units belonging to the same class. 
 Function has two syntaxes: 
 * If first argument gives the map topology, i.e. is map or topol struct
 or cell indicating the topology, the initial color coding of the
 units may be given by a string ('rgb1','rgb2','rgb3','rgb4', or 'hsv')
 which describe a predefined coloring scheme. (see SOM_COLORCODE).
 or an initial color matrix of size Mx3 with RGB triplets as rows.  
 * Another possibility is to give just the classification vector
 of size Mx1 and an initial color matrix of size Mx3 with RGB 
 triplets as rows.  

 EXAMPLE (requires Matlab Statistics Toolbox)

 % Do a 10-cluster single linkage hierachical clustering for SOM units
 % Color code the clusters 
    C=som_clustercolor(sM, class, 'rgb2');
 % Visualize


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