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C.2 Command Line Options

Table 5 lists the command line options available with Data Explorer. Those most commonly used are identified by a bullet (*). Table 6 lists command line options of particular interest to developers.

Command line options always override corresponding environment variables. As such, they offer a quick way to temporarily override environment settings. If parameters conflict, the last one entered takes precedence.

Table 5. Data Explorer Command Line Options
  Option syntax Function

-8bitcmap [private | shared | 0-1]
Set color-map error threshold (default: 0.1).
private = -1; stored = 1.
* -builder
Start the Data Explorer Module Builder (instead of Data Explorer).

-cache [on | off]
Enable executive cache (default: on).

-colors filename
Override DXCOLORS environment variable.

-connect host:port
Start a distributed executive only (no user interface).
* -data pathlist.
Override DXDATA environment variable.

-directory dirname
Change directory (cd) to dirname before starting the executive.

-display hostname:0
Set the X-display destination.

-dxroot dirname
Set the Data Explorer root directory (default: /usr/lpp/dx).

Echo the command lines without executing them.

Start the user interface in edit mode (default).

-exec filename
Use the specified executive.

Start the executive only (no user interface) in remote mode.

Execute the visual program automatically at start-up.

Go into Execute On Change mode at start-up.

Start the full Data Prompter. (See also -file and -prompter.)

-file filename
Start the Data Prompter with header file filename. (See also -full and -prompter.)

Print the abbreviated help message.

-highlight [on | off]
Enable node execution highlighting: (default: on).
* -host hostname
Start the executive on machine. hostname.
* -hwrender [gl | opengl]
if both GL and OpenGL are supported, set the type of hardware-rendering used.
* -image
Start the user interface in image mode.

-include pathlist
Override DXINCLUDE environment variable.

-license [runtime | develop | timed]
Request that the user interface use only the indicated functional type

Start the executive on the current machine (default).

-log [on | off]
Enable executive and user interface logging (default: off).
* -macros pathlist
Set list of directories to be searched for macros.

-mdf filename
Use .mdf file filename in addition to the default mdf file.
* -memory #Mbytes
Set the amount of memory the executive uses.
* -menubar
Start the user interface in menubar mode.

Set the graphical user interface to use metric units whenever possible.

-modules pathlist
Set list of directories to be searched for outboard modules.
* -morehelp
Print complete Help, including information about other options.
* -optimize [memory | precision]
Set the environment variables DXPIXELTYPE and DXDELAYEDCOLORS to optimize memory or precision. (The default is precision.)

Enable user to start outboard modules manually.
* -program filename
Start the user interface with visual program filename.
* -prompter
Start the Data Explorer Data Prompter (but not Data Explorer).

-readahead [on | off]
Enable executive readahead: (default: on).
* -script
Run the executive only (i.e., in script mode).
* -script filename
Run the executive only (i.e., in script mode) with script filename.

Do not open any control panels at start-up (in image or menubar mode only).

Start Data Explorer using a timed license.

-timing [on | off]
Enable module timing (default: off).

-trace [on | off]
Enable executive trace (default: off).

Automatically determines the information needed to generate a trial key.
* -tutor
Start the Data Explorer tutorial.
* -uionly
Start the user interface only (no executive).

Echo command lines before executing them.

Show version numbers of dxexec and dxui.

Table 6. Command Line Options for Developers
For more detailed descriptions of functions, see Appendix D. "User Interface Configuration".
Option syntax Function
-encode -key <16-digit hex number> <file>
Encode a .net file. The Visual Program Editor will not display an encoded .net file, and such a file cannot be saved. (However, .cfg configuration files can be saved.)
-key <16-digit hex number> <file>
Decodes an encoded .net file.
Remove options from Image window's Options menu.
Start Data Explorer, but do not put up any windows by default
Remove Open... option from Colormap Editor's File menu.
Remove Save As... option from Colormap Editor's File menu.
Remove Set Colormap Name... option from Colormap Editor's Options menu.
Remove Connection menu from all Windows (intended for use with DXLink applications).
Turn off the "Are you sure you want to quit Data Explorer?" message.
Remove three options from the Help menu of the control panel and the Image window.
Remove options from the Edit menu of the control panel and the Open Visual Program Editor option from the Image window's Windows menu.
Turn off default behavior of popping up a VPE when an error occurs. Instead, a dialog box will ask whether a VPE should be opened.
Remove Execute menu from all Windows (intended for use with DXLink applications).
Changes"quit" to"Close" (intended for use with DXLink applications).
Remove both Load options from the Image window's File menu.
Remove menus from all Image and Display windows.
Remove the Print Image... option from the Image Window's File menu.
Remove Open, Save, and Save As... options from the Image Window's File menu.
Remove Save Image... option from the Image Window's File menu.
Remove Set Attributes... option from the Image Window's File menu.
Remove four set options from the control panel's Edit menu.
Restricts the ability to move interactor instances within a control panel.
Remove the Information Messages toggle button from the Message window's Options menu.
Remove the Warning Messages toggle button from the Message window's Options menu.
Remove Open All Panels... option from the Panels menu of the control panel and from the Windows menu of the Image Window.
Remove the Panels menu from the control panel and panel options from the Windows menu of the Image Window.
Remove the Edit menu from the control panel.
Remove the Option menu from the control panel.
Remove the Execution Group Assignment... option from the Image window's Connection menu.
Remove the Open... and Save As... options from the control panel's File menu.
Remove the Execute Script Command... option from the Message Window's Options menu.
Combines options to facilitate building applications for Data Explorer

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