Laboratory of Computer and Information Science / Neural Networks Research Centre

Helsinki University of Technology → Faculty of Information and Natural Sciences →
Department of Information and Computer Science → Teaching →

T-61.5010 Information visualization

The course home page will move beginning 2009 to Noppa at

Home page of the 2008 course

T-61.5010 Information visualization (5 cr) P
T-61.5010 Informaation visualisointi (5 op) L

Spring (Period III)

Lecturer: Kai Puolamäki, lecturing researcher

Contents: The course teaches how to visualize information effectively by using the statistical methods, combined with knowledge of the human perception and the basics of data graphics.

Requirements: Examination and term project.

Literature: Ware, 2004. Information Visualization: Perception for Design, 2nd edition. Morgan Kaufmann. Lecture notes and additional readings.

Prerequisites: Basic mathematics and probability courses, T-106.1200/1203/1206/1207.

Additional information: Replaces study period T-61.271 Information visualization.

Language: English.


For 2008 course see

This course has been lectured since 2001, with a major overhaul in 2006, see the web sites of 2007 and earlier courses.

This course has an Otax newsgroup opinnot.tik.t615010.

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