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The main menu

Type sptool in the prompt of Matlab. It opens a main menu like one in figure 1. From the menu bar you can find File menu, where you can import new variables. In the Edit menu you can, e.g., remove variables.

The leftmost list box contains all variables which are type of signal. The middle box contains variables type of filter design. The rightmost is for variables of spectra.

There are GUI tools which you can open by pressing a button in the lower part of the main GUI. First you have to (de)activate a variable by clicking it. With the Ctrl-key in the keyboard you may have 0 or multiple variables chosen. View buttons open a viewer for each type of variable. New Design button opens a GUI for designing a filter. Edit Design button updates the existing filter. The Apply button in the middle applies the existing chosen signal with the existing chosen filter and produces a new filtered signal whose name is asked from the user.

Figure 1: The main menu of sptool. From left, variables of signals, filter designs and spectra.

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Jukka Parviainen