Laboratory of Computer and Information Science / Neural Networks Research Centre
Some abbreviations shown in Courses table are explained. If you find some descriptions wrong or not clear, please, mail to assistentti (at), thank you! Consult also "Study Programme, ECTS guide, 2005-2006".

Abbreviations in Courses table

cr credit point, ECTS (2005-)
cr- credit point from old system (-2005)
V contents vary each year
Pavailable for post-graduate studies
I, II ,III, IV teaching periods in 2005-2006
F lecture language Finnish (1.6.2005)
E lecture language English (1.6.2005)
O CS department "programme studies"
A1 level 1 module for Computer and Information Science
A2 level 2 module for Computer and Information Science
A3 level 3 module for Computer and Information Science

Some notices

column abbr. description
#1 code
Course code. In the new system T-61.xxxx, where the first digit of xxxx refers to modules: 1 = P, 2 = O, 3 = A1 module, 4 = A2 module, 5 = A3 module, 6 = special course, 7 = post-graduate course.
In the old system T-61.zzz.
#2 name
Course name.
#3 cr / cr- In the new system ECTS-credits (cr) and in the old system "old credits" (cr-). Some courses are still lectured with old system credits.
#4 V / P Mostly the seminar courses are varying themes (V). P courses can be added to post-graduate studies.
#5 I II III IV In autumn 2005 the study year is shared into four periods and six exam periods. See
#6 F E Lecture language (F=Finnish, E=English) - there can be changes. Not necessary the language of the material. You can also ask the teacher for English material, if the course is lectured in Finnish.
#7 O, A1, A2, A3 In which module the course is normally belonging to. See "Study Programme".

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