Minimum Bayes Risk Combination of Translation Hypotheses from Alternative Morphological Decompositions


Adrià de Gispert, Sami Virpioja, Mikko Kurimo, and William Byrne. Minimum bayes risk combination of translation hypotheses from alternative morphological decompositions. In Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Companion Volume: Short Papers, pages 73–76, Boulder, USA, June 2009. Association for Computational Linguistics.

Suggested BibTeX entry:

    address = {Boulder, USA},
    author = {Adri\`{a} de Gispert and Sami Virpioja and Mikko Kurimo and William Byrne},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Companion Volume: Short Papers},
    month = {June},
    pages = {73--76},
    publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
    title = {Minimum Bayes Risk Combination of Translation Hypotheses from Alternative Morphological Decompositions},
    year = {2009},

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