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Hutmegs 1.0 download

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Before downloading the package, read below about licensing the components of Hutmegs.


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Licensing the Hutmegs package components

The Helsinki University of Technology Morphological Evaluation Gold Standard package, Hutmegs, is a collection of files (Makefiles, Perl scripts and sample data files) and documentation. The scripts and makefiles have been tested on a Linux operating system. Hutmegs is free to use for non-commercial purposes as long as a reference is made to the source of the material and the corresponding technical report is cited in scientific work.

The Finnish gold-standard segmentations are based on the FINTWOL analyzer, which is a commercial product. To obtain the complete Finnish Gold Standard, a missing component must be licensed from Lingsoft, Inc. The missing component is a file containing the FINTWOL analyses for the word forms comprised in the Gold Standard. The list of FINTWOL analyses has the product name LS Hutmegs-Fintwol (version 1.0) and the one-time license fee for non-commercial activities is 600 euros (as of March, 2005). To purchase this component contact Lingsoft through e-mail: info@lingsoft.fi. If the component is not purchased, the user will have access to all Hutmegs scripts and documentation, but only a sample Gold Standard containing the analyses of no more than 700 Finnish word forms.

Likewise, the CELEX database is a prerequisite for accessing the complete English Gold Standard. Two files from CELEX describing the English morphology must be available in order to generate the English gold-standard segmentations. Non-commercial licenses are available from the Linguistic Data Consortium. The CELEX database is described on the following page: http://www.ldc.upenn.edu/Catalog/CatalogEntry.jsp?catalogId=LDC96L14. The non-member price is 150 US dollars (as of March, 2005). The Hutmegs package provides sample gold-standard segmentations for roughly 600 English word forms, which can be viewed without access to the CELEX database.

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