Tik-61.261 Principles of Neural Computing
Raivio, Venna

Exercise 5, 25.2.2004
  1. The McCulloch-Pitts perceptrons can be used to perform numerous logical tasks. Neurons are assumed to have two binary input signals, $ x_1$ and $ x_2$, and a constant bias signal which are combined into an input vector as follows: $ \mathbf{x}=[x_1,x_2,-1]^T$, $ x_1,x_2\in
\{0,1\}$. The output of the neuron is given by

    $\displaystyle y=\begin{cases}1 \text{, \, if } \mathbf{w}^T\mathbf{x}>0 \\ 0 \text{, \, if } \mathbf{w}^T\mathbf{x} \leq 0 \\ \end{cases}$    

    where $ \mathbf{w}$ is an adjustable weight vector. Demonstrate the implementation of the following binary logic functions with a single neuron:
    1. $ A$
    2. not $ B$
    3. $ A$ or $ B$
    4. $ A$ and $ B$
    5. $ A$ nor $ B$
    6. $ A$ nand $ B$
    7. $ A$ xor $ B$.
    What is the value of weight vector in each case?

  2. A single perceptron is used for a classification task, and its weight vector $ \mathbf{w}$ is updated iteratively in the following way:

    $\displaystyle \mathbf{w}(n+1)=\mathbf{w}(n) + \alpha(y-y')\mathbf{x}$    

    where $ \mathbf{x}$ is the input signal, $ y'=$   sgn$ (\mathbf{w}^T\mathbf{x})=\pm 1$ is the output of the neuron, and $ y=\pm 1$ is the correct class. Parameter $ \alpha$ is a positive learning rate. How does the weight vector $ \mathbf{w}$ evolve from its initial value $ \mathbf{w}(0)=[1,1]^T$, when the above updating rule is applied with $ \alpha=0.4$, and we have the following samples from classes $ {\cal{C}}_1$ and $ {\cal{C}}_2$:

      $\displaystyle {\cal{C}}_1:$     $\displaystyle \{[2,1]^T\},$    
      $\displaystyle {\cal{C}}_2:$     $\displaystyle \{[0,1]^T, [-1,1]^T \}$    

  3. Suppose that in the signal-flow graph of the perceptron illustrated in Figure 1 the hard limiter is replaced by the sigmoidal linearity:

    $\displaystyle \varphi(v)=\tanh(\frac{v}{2})$    

    where $ v$ is the induced local field. The classification decisions made by the perceptron are defined as follows:

    Observation vector $ \mathbf{x}$ belongs to class $ {\cal{C}}_1$ if the output $ y>\theta$ where $ \theta$ is a threshold;
    otherwise, $ \mathbf{x}$ belongs to class $ {\cal{C}}_2$

    Show that the decision boundary so constructed is a hyperplane.

  4. Two pattern classes, $ {\cal{C}}_1$ and $ {\cal{C}}_2$, are assumed to have Gaussian distributions which are centered around points $ \mu_1=[-2,-2]^T$ and $ \mu_2=[2,2]^T$ and have the following covariance matrixes:

    $\displaystyle \Sigma_1=\begin{bmatrix}\alpha & 0 \\ 0 & 1\end{bmatrix}$     and  $\displaystyle \Sigma_2=\begin{bmatrix}3 & 0 \\ 0 & 1\end{bmatrix}.$    

    Plot the distributions and determine the optimal Bayesian decision surface for $ \alpha=3$ and $ \alpha=1$. In both cases, assume that the prior probabilities of the classes are equal, the costs associated with correct classifications are zero, and the costs associated with misclassifications are equal.

Figure 1: The signal-flow graph of the perceptron.

Jarkko Venna 2004-02-25