Laboratory of Computer and Information Science / Neural Networks Research Centre

Course timetable

Here are the topics, times, materials and chairs for each session.

Date Topics Material Session chairs Notes
10.9. Introductory meeting; Practical issues; Research background; Intro by students Course organizers motivating research questions, brief discussion notes
17.9. Human species development, culture and child development: biology & culture, joint attention & cultural learning Tomasello Ch. 1-3; Jean Nicod Lectures and handouts Ivan B., Don, Oskar K. Slides: Oskar's presentation notes, Don's slides, discussion notes
24.9. Linguistic Communication in humans: symbolic representation, constructions, event cognition, discourse, cultural cognition. Tomasello Ch. 4-7 Annika, Seppo N., Janne H. Annika's slides, Reference to children who learn language even if they are not directly talked to
1.10. Cognitive linguistics Talmy: pages 21-40 Feldman's lecture on his book and seminar info Feldman: Ch 12-14 (2-3 presentations) Tuukka R., Silvana, Mark   Slides: Talmy, Feldman ch 12-13, Feldman ch 14
Speech processing in the brain: IndefreyLevelt
8.10.Implementation of some Cog.Ling work in computers. Project work: topics, groups, timetable Feldman Ch. 15-20 (3-4 presentations); Antti Y.-K., Ville T., Juha R.,   Slides: Feldman ch 15-16, ch 17-18, ch 19-20
15.10. Robotics implementing language + start Neurocomputation Deb Roy-article (8 pages) + Gärdenfors(20 pages) (2 presentations) Hecht-nielsen: DVD 1 OR Hecht-Nielsen's lecture on Confabulation Theory and Seminar info + extra topic: Existing vector-space models of meaning. Mari-Sanna P., Tiina L.-K., Sami V.   Slides: Sami V. Tiina L.-K. Mari-Sanna P.
22.10. Neurocomputation & brain Hecht-Nielsen: Ch. 3-5; (3-4 presentations) Ulpu R., Matti V., Mats S., Mia   Slides: Ulpu R., Matti V., Mats S.,
29.10. Neurocomputation & brain, discussion Hecht-Nielsen: DVD 2; Hecht-Nielsen: Ch. 6-7.4 (2 presentations) Markus S. Pavan R. Slides: Pavan R. Markus S.
5.11. Seminar day 1/2: Project results + discussion ( time 14-16 in T4 )
26.11. Seminar day 2/2: Project results + discussion ( time 10-16; in T5 ) Slides: Annika H., Oskar K., Markus S.,
Seppo N., Tuukka R., Mari-Sanna P.,
Mats S., Matti V., Ulpu R.,
Tiina L.-K., Silvana P., Mark v.H.

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