Laboratory of Computer and Information Science / Neural Networks Research Centre CIS Lab Helsinki University of Technology

Oral presentation - Chairing a session

The idea is that every student reads all course material related to a session before the session, at least briefly.

For each session, there is a topic, a set of materials, and 2-3 students who will chair parts of that session & topic. The chairperson of a session/topic tries to find ways to help everyone in class to learn as much as possible, process and digest the material, relating it to previously read etc. It is probably a good idea to try to involve people actively, e.g. by raising discussion topics.

For example, as a chairman you might select 5-6 main points, sketch them briefly, one at a time, on the table, and start a discussion on that topic. After some time, conclude and move to the next point. Or, if you have relevant additional info on the session topic, e.g. empirical findings or other relevant theories, you might also introduce such in class. Use moderation: the time is very limited.

When giving a presentation, you need not return a writing assignment for that week.

It would be nice to put all the presentation materials regarding each session to the internal course web pages. If you agree, please send your material to the course assistant.

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