Laboratory of Computer and Information Science / Neural Networks Research Centre CIS Lab Helsinki University of Technology

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Articles etc.

Machine Translation Archive (
Electronic repository and bibliography of articles, books and papers on topics in machine translation and computer-based translation tools.
ACL Anthology
A Digital Archive of Research Papers in Computational Linguistics
e-Print archive
Scientific Literature Digital Library

Groups and researchers

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Jesús Giménez: what's going on in SMT
Personal websites of authors and researchers in Machine Translation and related fields some with photographs, lists of publications and items for downloading


Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)
European Chapter of the ACL (EACL)
European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT)
European Network of Excellence in Human Language Technologies (ELSNET)


University of Rochester
Computer Science 577
Seminar in AI: Statistical Machine Translation
Spring 2004
Uppsala Universitet
GSLT: Machine Translation (Level 2)
Johns Hopkins University
Introduction to Natural Language Processing (600.465) Statistical Machine Translation


European Parliament Parallel Corpus is extracted from the proceedings of the European Parliament. It includes versions in 11 European languages: Romanic (French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese), Germanic (English, Dutch, German, Danish, Swedish), Greek and Finnish.
Canadian Parliament Parallel Corpus contains 1.3 million pairs of aligned text chunks (sentences or smaller fragments) from the official records (Hansards) of the 36th Canadian Parliament in English and French.
An open source parallel corpus
German-English Parallel Corpus, Daily News 1996-2000
An online lexical reference system where English nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonym sets, each representing one underlying lexical concept. Different relations link the synonym sets.
A multilingual database with wordnets for several European languages (Dutch, Italian, Spanish, German, French, Czech and Estonian). The wordnets for the languages are structured in the same way as the Princeton WordNet for English and the wordnets are linked to an Inter-Lingual-Index, based on the Princeton wordnet.
A lexical-semantic net for German that has been intergrated into the EuroWordNet.
Global WordNet Association
A free and public association that builds on EuroWordNet and Princeton WordNet.
The STRAND Bilingual Databases
Structural Translation Recognition for Acquiring Natural Data (STRAND) is a system for automatically acquiring pairs of documents in parallel translation on the World Wide Web.
University of Maryland Parallel Corpus Project: The Bible
Versions of the Bible consistently annotated according to the Corpus Encoding Standard
Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg Free eBook Library

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