Laboratory of Computer and Information Science / Neural Networks Research Centre CIS Lab Helsinki University of Technology

T-61.6080 Special course in bioinformatics II:
Prior knowledge and background data in computational inference V P, 5 cr

Project work


The idea is to make a small scale research project that will give you some hands-on experience on data fusion techniques. The report should resemble a small conference paper. It should describe the overall goal, the choices, their justifications, the methods and the results with relevant illustrations in max. 6 pages, but it can be shorter. The amount of credit points is approximately 3 from this project work, so try to scale the amount of work according to that.

Key dates for the project

If necessary, we will give suggestions for improvement of the report by --. Deadline for the final improved versions is in --.


Individual topics

General topic


Implementation In at least R/BioConductor and Matlab, there are ready-made functions for doing the computations. Successful interpretation of the results will require understanding of the methods, their connections and output, however. You can use the ready-made functions, or make your own implementation.

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