Orange Juice near-infrared spectra This database has been provided by Prof. Marc Meurens, Université catholique de Louvain, BNUT unit. Please acknowledge the origin of this database if you use it and/or publish about it. Goal: To estimate the level of saccharose of an orange juice from its observed near-infrared spectrum. Learning set ========= INPUT File name: OJ_x_learning.txt Description: 150 spectra (lines), sampled with 700 points (columns) OUTPUT File name: OJ_y_learning.txt Description: Corresponding level of saccharose, in a column vector (150 lines). Test set ====== INPUT File name: OJ_x_test.txt Description: 68 spectra (lines), sampled with 700 points (columns) OUTPUT File name: OJ_y_test.txt Description: Corresponding level of saccharose, in a column vector (68 lines).