Helsinki University of Technology →
Faculty of Information and Natural Sciences →
Department of Information and Computer
Science →
Teaching →
T-61.3050 Machine Learning: Basic Principles →
This course (T-61.3050 Machine Learning: Basic Principles) has an Otax
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Suitable topics for the newsgroup include:
The articles posted to the newsgroup can be read by all. The course staff reads the newsgroup regularly when the course is being lectured - at least couple of times in a week.
The advantage of posting to the newsgroup instead of sending us email is that everyone can see the question and participate to the discussion. Therefore, you should consider posting your question or comment to the newsgroup if you have a question or comment that could benefit also other participants of the course.
You can also contact us by email
The email should be used for all private correspondence.
Page maintained by, last updated Wednesday, 02-Jul-2008 13:35:12 EEST