

Tik-61.246 Digital Signal Processing and Filtering (4 cr), autumn 2001

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Target of the course is to give basic knowledge on methods of digital signal processing. Basic theories of linear signal processing are applied to frequency selective discrete filters. Properties and characteristics of discrete-time systems are analyzed. Digital filter design and implementation are one part of the course.


Finnish: spoken in lectures and exercises.
English: book, exercise papers and solutions, lecture slides

Group of non-Finnish students

Join to a group of non-Finnish students, so you will receive information separately in English. Remember to give email address.

Preliminary knowledge

Basic knowledge on signals and signal processing is acquired (for example T-61.140, S-72.116). There are some exercises from the course
T-61.140 Signals and Systems available. Matlab-experience helps with the project work.

Passing the course

The course is passed either with two mid term exams or an exam, and a passed project work.

Times for Mid term exams and exams.

If doing mid term exams, the components are:
Preliminary exercises 17.9.-1.10.2001 at 16.00: 0-6 p
1. mid term exam: 0-18 p
2. mid term exam: 0-24 p
TOTAL 0-48 p

How to read for exams.

Old exams are available here.


Registrate yourself by 20.9.2001. Use
WWWTopi for registrations to course and exams. A course registration is enough for mid term exams.

Lectures and lecturer

The lecture schedule. First lecture on Monday 17.9. at 9 in hall A in the main building.

The course is lectured in Finnish by professor Olli Simula [photo]. The lecture slides are in English.

Reception on Thu 13,00-14.00 or by appointment. Room B324 (CS-building, 3rd floor), tel. 451 3271, email Olli.Simula@hut.fi.

Exercises and assistants

Exercises are two hours a week:

The language is Finnish but papers are in English. It is possible that the group of non-Finnish students have their own meetings.

There are four Matlab-exercises. Registration using WWWTopi.
More information. First exercises on Tuesday 18.9.2001

Assistants are Markus Koskela, Jukka Parviainen and Vesa Siivola. Link to contact information.

Assistants read the email t61246@cis.hut.fi. Appointment also by email.

Excursion in November

Nokia excursion in November.

Course material assistant

Preliminary exercises 17.9.-1.10.2001

Project work 17.9.2001-15.1.2002

Compulsory project work is represented on Monday x.x.2001. Deadline 15.1.2002. The project work is assessed as accepted/not accepted.

Information channels

Course Book

The course book is
Mitra, Sanjit K.
Digital Signal Processing. A Computer-Based Approach
The McGraw-Hill, 1997/1998
Also the second edition, 2000 Contents of Mitra's book.

Errata list for the old versions of the book (23.10.1998) [ PDF | PostScript (???) ]

A Matlab book (if you are interested):
Mitra, Sanjit K.
Digital Signal Processing Laboratory Using Matlab
McCraw-Hill, 1999.
Other books:
John G. Proakis and Dimitris G. Manolakis,
Digital Signal Processing, Principles, Algorithms, and Applications,
Prentice-Hall, 1996 (3rd edition)
A.V. Oppenheim and R.W. Schafer:
Discrete-Time Signal Processing,
Prentice-Hall, 1989
Emmanuel C. Ifeachor and Barrie W. Jervis,
Digital Signal Processing, A Practical Aprroach
Addison-Wesley, 1993
Leland B. Jackson, 
Digital Signal Processing (3rd edition) with MATLAB Excercises, 
Kluwer 1996 (2nd printing 1997)
Some references how to read

Course Material

Problems and answers of exercises are delivered by Otapaino.

Course in future

It is recommended to take as a next course in signal processing S-88.115 Digital Signal Processing Systems (odd years) and S-88.116 Digitaaliset signaalinkäsittelyjärjestelmät (even years). by professor Iiro Hartimo.


We hope to get feedback.

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Monday, 09-Sep-2002 18:32:44 EEST