Jukka Parviainen, 3.10.2003 / 29.2.2008 OHJEITA / INSTRUCTIONS Getting the files: ------------------ Download and open the zip file esimlatex.zip using unzip esimlatex.zip There are files: esim.bib % file for bibliography esimerkki.tex % source document file kohi1.eps % example figure kohi2.eps % example figure q4_1.m % example Matlab-file tkk-t-mv.eps % example TKK/HUT logo ympyra.m % example Matlab-file ympyra.eps % example figure How to run the files: --------------------- In UNIX system: "latex esimerkki" % ... Label(s) changed... "latex esimerkki" "xdvi esimerkki.dvi" % document in DVI format "dvips esimerkki.dvi" % into PostScript "ps2pdf esimerkki.ps" % PostScript to PDF "pdflatex esimerkki.tex % LaTeX to PDF directly How to update the document: --------------------------- Open emacs (xemacs) or any other text editor. Write down the modifications. Save the file as text with the extension ".tex". How to remove headers and footers: ---------------------------------- Use "plain". How to add bibliography: ------------------------ Uncomment lines needed for bibliography. Then say: "latex esimerkki" "bibtex esimerkki" "latex esimerkki" "latex esimerkki" How to print to files in Matlab: -------------------------------- (1) plot a figure in a normal way (plot(...)) (2) activate the window, if not active (touched latest with mouse or plotted latest) (3) in Matlab command window or in Matlab function file: "print -deps myfig.eps" % Encapsulated PostScript for LaTeX or "print -dmeta myfig.emf" % Windows metafile for Word Templates: ---------- Do not hope to get some tricks (special layouts, etc) easily, if you are using LaTeX. Keep it as standard as possible ;-) If making, e.g., a conference/journal paper, a template or a style file is given. Examples: - Akustiikan laboratorio - IEEE ... Where to find help: ------------------- - Simo Kivelän latex-kurssi: http://matta.hut.fi/matta2/latex/index.html - LaTeX-manuals - google: not so short introduction latex -- saatavilla myös suomeksi "pitkänpuoleinen johdanto latex" - Jukka Korpelan tekstejä, mm. http://www.tkk.fi/atk/ohjelmistot/tex/latex.html