Laboratory of Computer and Information Science > Teaching > T-61.271 > Visualization projects 2003

Visualization projects 2003

  • The visualization project must be completed to pass the course
  • The project may be passed or passed with distinction (the latter case will raise your grade by one when you pass the exam)
  • Submit a short abstract (~half A4) that will specify the data and methods (including programs) that you plan to use by 17 October 2003 ( The abstract does not need to be a complete description of your plans; we would just like to have a chance to comment on what you are going to do beforehand. Please don't hesitate to ask if you need e.g. references, pointers to data sets or some other assistance.
  • The deadline for submitting the visualization projects is 14 January 2004.
  • You should write a short project report (2-4 pages) that will, among other things, describe the methods/programs you have considered and actually used and why have chosen them.
  • It would be appreciated if the project reports and/or program codes would be released under some open source license.
  • You should complete the project by yourself. One project topic can be reserved by at most two students (denoted by "*" in the list below). You can also propose a topic of your own yourself.


  1. Color gamut visualization [PS] *
  2. Gamut mapping [PS]
  3. Fisheye-mode to Emacs [PS] *
  4. OpenDX-module [PS]
  5. Table lens [PS]
  6. OpenDX fisheye [PS]
  7. Mindmap tool [PS] *
  8. Effective navigation [PS] *
  9. Pre-attentive features [PS] *
  10. Cognitive features [PS] **
  11. Comparing MDS methods [PS]
  12. Using MDS to analyze data [PS] *
  13. Cone tree [PS] *
  14. Tree map [PS] *
  15. Immersive information workspace [PS]
  16. Visualization of textual relations [PS] *
  17. Animation [PS] **
  18. Shape from motion [PS] *
  19. Depth ques [PS]
  20. Movement cues [PS]
  21. Comparing PCA and ICA [PS] **
  22. Comparing MDS and SOM [PS] *
  23. Pedagogical visualization (Algorithm visualization) [PS] **
  24. Stereograms [PS] **
  25. Horrible visualizations [PS] **
  26. Visualization of email box [PS] *
  27. Lying visualizations [PS] **
  28. Dynamic queries [PS]
  29. Visualization of networks [PS] *
  30. Document lens [PS]
  31. Color scales [PS] **
  32. Visualization techniques [PS] *
  33. High data density visualizations [PS] *
  34. Visual attention [PS] *
  35. Extending memory [PS]
  36. Sonification of program code [PS] *
  37. Coding information into a texture [PS]
  38. Sonification of time series [PS] **
  39. Combining color and textures [PS]
Tuesday, 23-Sep-2003 22:58:50 EEST