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Course assignment T-61.2010
The purpose of the assigment is to
get acquainted with methods introduced in the lectures.
In autumn 2007 there are two alternative topics:
PCA/eigenfaces and k-nearest neighbour classifier.
Common instructions
You can substitute for the course assignment by
attending at least three computer sessions in November-December 2007.
Assignments are supposed to be executed individually. Write your own
code and document as explained below. Discussion on high-level
is very useful and accepted.
Deadline is 15th January 2008.
You can choose either #1 or #2:
- Topic #1: eigenfaces
- Topic #2: k-nearest neighbour
Some help
- common questions to news group opinnot.tik.t612010,
personal ones to assistant Ville.Viitaniemi () hut.fi
- UKK - FAQ (in Finnish)
- Matlab's own documentation and tutorials,
"Getting Started" etc.
- Matlab exercise sessions, see WWWTopi
- A free alternative to Matlab: Octave, cf.
Octave uses very similar commands and language as Matlab.
- Other options: this kind of projects can be implemented for example
with Python or C...
- How to convert to pdf?
- LaTeX: pdflatex or (dvips and ps2pdf)
- Word: "print PDF"
- OpenOffice: "export to PDF"
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Page maintained by t612010 (at) cis.hut.fi,
last updated Friday, 09-Nov-2007 12:44:02 EET