Tik-122.101 Special Course in Information Technology
Data Mining and TelecommunicationsData Mining methods are popular in practical data analysis problems, where large amounts of data are involved. Telecommunications systems, in particular, create enormous amounts of data. The seminar course will cover current research topics within data mining, with a particular focus on applications in telecommunications. The course is suitable as a part of graduate studies within the topics of Laboratory of Computer and Information Science, and/or for anyone considering graduate studies in the subject. Some of the topics of the course might be suitable for a special assignment or diploma thesis. The topics will include fault detection of telecommunications systems, fraud detection, mining of Internet site logs (Web log mining), and association rules to mention a few. To pass the course, students must give an oral presentation on one of the given topics and write a short summary to hand out to others. The presentations are based on published conference and journal papers. Also, active participation is expected. In addition, there will be a (programming) exercise worth one credit point. The course information is presently missing from Topi. You can enroll by attending the first seminar. Timetable
Practical assignmentPlease contact the course organizers for more information. More informationAdditional information about the course may be asked from Heikki Mannila, and Jaakko Hollmén, and Jouni Seppänen. http://www.cis.hut.fi/Opinnot/T-122.101/s2000/index.shtml jkseppan@mail.cis.hut.fi Monday, 13-Aug-2001 12:09:02 EEST |