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AMKLC'05 - Symposium on Adaptive Models of
Knowledge, Language and Cognition

The AMKLC'05 symposium focuses on emergence, complexity and self-organization in cognitive and social systems: how knowledge is being created and established within human and computer-mediated networks and the role of language as an adaptive medium for knowledge building. Following researchers like Maturana, Varela, Von Foerster, Gärdenfors, Glenberg, MacWhinney, Steels and many others, the symposium encourages investigation on the relationship between knowledge and language. An underlying assumption for the symposium is that in order to analyze, model and understand the individual cognitive and social level of knowledge formation and the role of language in such contexts, one has to take into account the underlying dynamic adaptation processes and the embodied, multimodal pattern recognition basis of knowledge.

In AMKLC'05 symposium we are, in addition to the general theme introduced above, interested in the perspective of applied cognitive science: how do knowledge, language and cognition emerge in complex organizations and systems; what models offer explanatory framework for the emergence; which tools are useful in supporting efficient innovation, knowledge creation and communication.

Relevant topics include but are not limited to:


For submission details, please check http://www.cis.hut.fi/AKRR05/submission.html.

Important dates

For more detailed information about the above issues, please refer to the web page of
AKRR05 conference (http://www.cis.hut.fi/AKRR05/) or contact arussell AT oise.utoronto.ca

Programme committee

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